The mechanisms listed under don’t even scratch the surface, but they are a good starting point. To grow as an interpreter one has to expand this repertoire of coping tactics while working hard to question any nonsensical myths.
The Results-Only Work Environment concept allows people to work whenever and wherever. Is it a dream or nightmare? Here is a project manager’s view on implementing the system.
LinkedIn is the third most popular social network in terms of unique monthly visitors— behind Facebook and Twitter. With Linkedln, you have the opportunity to engage with your connections, with your connections’ connections.
The social media and smartphone is the reason for downgrade productivity. Break down with them, by this way or that way, is the most effective solution for staying focus.
Freelancers have to take on many different tasks, including invoicing, basic project management, key accounting and other business related activities, but in-house translators can focus on translation only.
A theory will always remain a theory without frequent practice. Some of the effective way to practice for rookies includes observing experienced interpreters, home practice with interesting renowned speech on or
Rookies normally consider their job merely interpreter and forget to check the conference sound system bringing about inappropriate volume of speaking.