5. Attentively listen to what the speaker is about to speak


Is this a joke? How can one know what speaker is going to share? You had better recognize it a tip, or trick rather than ridicule. In fact, it is just an interpreting skill competently used among experienced interpreters, which is actively listening.

Professional speakers have a logical and comprehensive way of speaking on which interpreters could rely and guess what is next. For instance, when speakers are mentioning a cause, he will be likely to acknowledge people about the effects later.

Besides, interpreters should also use their time to conduct some prior research on relevant documents and event’s agenda so as to be more active in listening as well as understanding speakers.

6. Do not impose personal perception upon speaker’s ideas

Personal perceptions among people differ as their various backgrounds, academic levels, emotions and many other factors. Thus, it is inevitable that interpreters may disagree with speakers sometimes.

However, a professional interpreter should be loyal to the source information.

7. Interpret only after getting the whole message

Attentive listening to the whole idea not only facilitates the interpreter’s comprehensive understanding of the speaker’s speech but also avoids interrupting delegates, allowing them to bring about a coherent speech.

Experienced speakers usually divide their talk into small parts so as to create a favorable condition to interpreters to perform their work. Yet, some inexperienced ones may require interpreters to translate without having finished their idea, which easily confuses audiences including the interpreter.

Given the situation, interpreters should sincerely recommend speakers about when and where to put an end to the idea.

8. Practice information visualization

Information visualizing is a useful method to enhance one’s memorizing skill. It is reported that human brain could memorize illustrations 3 times better than words. Turning information into illustrations may help interpreter better memorize and therefore, convey speaker’s message more precisely and lively.

However, for someone who is not really good at visualizing, don’t be rigid to stick with images and shapes and forget such important information shared through speakers’ speech.

The above-mentioned methods are expected to be useful to nurture rookies’ memorizing skill. Yet, a theory will always remain a theory without frequent practice. Some of the effective way to practice for rookies includes observing experienced interpreters, home practice with interesting renowned speech on or

May success attend your efforts!

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