The mechanisms listed under don’t even scratch the surface, but they are a good starting point. To grow as an interpreter one has to expand this repertoire of coping tactics while working hard to question any nonsensical myths.
The conference was jointly hold by VINASME and AMPS for the first time in Vietnam, with the purpose of start teaching Yoga free for Vietnam’s small and medium enterprise.
The participants included famous speakers from world-class corporations and big banks in Vietnam such as: Omega Performance, Kon Perry Hay Group, Viettin Bank and Techcom bank…
The Results-Only Work Environment concept allows people to work whenever and wherever. Is it a dream or nightmare? Here is a project manager’s view on implementing the system.
The participants were included Mr. Phan Chi Dung, The Ministry’s Director of Light Industry – Ministry of Industry and Trade, Mr. Vu Duc Giang, VITAS President, the representative of countries in (AFTEX) and managers of Vietnam textile corporates.
The meeting was attended by high-level representatives from the four countries in the region, as well as representatives from UN agencies, UK Embassy, JICA, and development partners.