However, taking into account the great potential Vietnamese logistics firms have for economic growth, they are currently seizing all opportunities to partner, rather than sub-contract with the bigger foreign logistics companies. Therefore, to deliver the best image of the company through branding, marketing and service documents, translation services are an inevitably important link in the chain.
Transportation and logistics is a multi-national industry and due to the presence of global integrity nowadays, logistics firms have many fertile opportunities to go regional and global. This requires them to prepare their capability and image to introduce themselves to the world. Therefore, choosing a premium translation agency to assist them in delivering their professional image to foreign prospective clients is an essential requirement.
Transportation and logistics also includes customs officers who are likely to require training with foreign trainers as the industry continues to change drastically worldwide. Given the aforementioned need, premium translation agencies are needed in order for the Vietnamese to keep pace with the international development of the logistics industry.
Transportation and logistics is a fast paced industry which by definition, needs to easily deal with language barriers. Face to face communications should be clear, unobstructed and prompt and on other business levels there is a need for flawless interactions between clients, sub-contractors and stakeholders via documents, conferences and digital media. A premium translation service is essential for companies within the logistics industry.
A report by the World Bank (2004) showed that local Vietnamese logistics companies mostly work as sub-contractors or agencies for larger foreign logistics firms. This in turn introduces the need for tender and bidding documents to be translated for foreign logistics firms. It is quite clear that as good as the content of the bid may be, if it is poorly translated, the bid is likely to fail.